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DIY Frosted Vase

Welcome to my 100th post and my 6 month anniversary of blogging.  I am still really new but am loving every bit of it!  Yay!  Anyway, this was a fun project.  In this post see how I created my DIY frosted vase.  It went from this:


DIY Frosted Vase -


to this!


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DIY Frosted Vase

I work in an office where there are usually some snacks to eat on any given day.  Sometimes one of us brings snacks and sometimes, Larry, from a different office brings them.  He likes to partake in the snack eating when he visits so he always provides something.  He is a nice guy.

I don’t know where he got this, maybe Sam’s or Costco or something but it was a very large container filled with a snack mix.  Anyway, when the mix was gone I asked if I could take the container home.  They looked at me like I was from outer space and said, “Yeeesss”? in a slow, drawn out voice.  It sounded sort of like a question but not really.  You know what I mean, right?

Anyway, I knew I could do something fun with it.  And I did!  I created a DIY frosted vase!

So here is what the container looked like before.  It is hard to tell from the picture but with it is almost 14″ tall and 5″ wide.  And it is plastic.


DIY Frosted Vase -


I removed the labels by soaking in water then using rubbing alcohol for the sticky part.  It worked pretty good.  Then I didn’t think I wanted the very top rim where the lid screwed on so I had Jeff cut it off for me.  In hindsight I may have left it alone.  The saw left a sort of rough edge.  We sanded it a little to get the extra plastic shavings off and that helped but still rough.


DIY Frosted Vase -


I used my Cricut and cut the words “les fleurs” out of vinyl using the Jasmine font cartridge.  I placed the vinyl onto the container where I wanted them.


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DIY Frosted Vase -


Then I cut out some strips of printer paper 3″ wide to wrap around the top and the bottom.  All this was used as masking for the Frosted Glass spray paint.  I love this stuff.  I used it in my kitchen on the sconces.

I sprayed three thin coats of the paint onto the plastic container letting it dry in between each coat.  When it was all done I removed all of the masking.  This is how it looked.  It turned out nice.


DIY Frosted Vase -




I bought some glass beads, rocks?  I am not sure what to call them, mixed them up and placed them into the container/vase.  I already had these fun lights and I purchased some flower type things at JoAnn’s.  They were 60% off so I got a bargain.


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Then to sort of hide the rough top I tied two types of ribbon around the stems and made a bow at the top of the vase.  It brings in the fun green color of the flowers.


DIY Frosted Vase -


DIY Frosted Vase -


DIY Frosted Vase -


I think my DIY frosted vase turned out pretty darn nice.  What do you think?  Plus it is plastic so if one of my four kitties knocks it over I am safe.




Epic Mommy Adventures

Crystal Bissonnette

Sunday 12th of April 2015

I love that Michelle! It looks great! What a great before and after. It looks perfect where you put it too! I want to try this now!


Sunday 12th of April 2015

Thank you Crystal. You just need to fine a large snack container. The rest is the easy part! LOL!


Saturday 11th of April 2015

This is very pretty. It always amazes me how crafty people can take something that I might throw away and make something so great out of it. Thanks for sharing !!


Sunday 12th of April 2015

Thanks Rebecca! I love repurposing items. I appreciate the compliment.


Wednesday 8th of April 2015

I love the look of the frosted vase. It's very pretty and spring like. I'm visiting from Totally Terrific Tuesday. I'd love for you to share this on the Spring Craft Blog Hop.


Wednesday 8th of April 2015

Thanks Beverly! Is the Spring Craft Blog Hop on your site? I would love to share it. Can you give me a link?

Robyn Petrik

Monday 6th of April 2015

Wow, seeing the before and after is really quite impressive! I love the idea of a plastic vase too, much safer if it gets knocked over.


Monday 6th of April 2015

Thanks Robyn. Yes the plastic makes is pet and kid friendly. I appreciate you stopping by.

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