Did I leave you in suspense after the last kitchen post? Well, here it is.. part 2 of our kitchen remodel. We left off with the new, smaller windows installed and the wall framed and insulated.
After our week long vacation, I went back to work for two days then this happened….
I fell down the stairs in our house and broke my ankle and leg in 3 places. I had to have surgery one week later and this is what the weather was like the day of my surgery.
Can you believe a snow storm on May 1st? We had to be at the hospital in Spencer (1/2 hr away) very early for the surgery and it wasn’t too bad until we left the hospital. It started snowing and ended up looking like this.
Needless to say I was NOT helping with the kitchen for a while. I was off work for a week before surgery then for 2 weeks after the surgery. I had to be in a boot for 6 weeks with crutches and then without the crutches, still in the boot for another 6 weeks. It was August before I could go without the boot. I helped when I could for as long as I could but it really put a damper on the progress. Plus, we still did not have water in the kitchen so dishes were being done in the bathroom off the kitchen. This seemed like it went on forever. When I broke my ankle Jeff had to stop everything to take care of me. He was definitely a trooper.
But anyway…we had ordered and received the new cabinets which would be the base of the new island.
I am in love with the green color. The double cupboard on the right is under the sink and we left room for a dishwasher on the right side of that cupboard. The small cupboard on the left is a trash pull out. I love it too.
This makes up only a portion of the island. Jeff built a back using bead board and then we purchased legs and created a small eating area. You can see the piece Jeff built on the back and the right side.
The picture below is the back of the island while he was building it.
The back/side piece is in the shape of an “L”. The small side will hide the side of the dishwasher. We had green paint mixed up to match the green cabinets.
By this time the new island was coming along but we still had the old island in the kitchen. Over Mother’s Day weekend my oldest son Ian came home to help Jeff and Brian remove the old island.
Brian is such a goofball!
Voila! No more island. I kept getting off the couch to see how it was coming along. We hired someone to put up the drywall for us. Jeff hates to do this part and he says he is not good at it although I have a hard time believing it. But now it was a real wall just waiting for paint.
Then the new island was brought in and set in it’s permanent location. The entire thing is 10′ long. It really added a lot of counter space. I can’t wait to show you the counter top. But that will be in part 3.
In the picture below you can see where the seating area will be. I am so excited about it. We used to have a small table next to the window but we never used it.
Then next step was the flooring. We chose wood laminate flooring with the tongue and groove. Jeff and Brian installed it in stages and it went in really easy.
I still love the floors and am so glad we went with the wood laminate. The last step for part 2 of the kitchen is adding the cabinet hardware.
Now it was really starting to take shape. We still have a lot to go and there will be a part 3 blog post next week.
What do you think?
Tuesday 11th of November 2014
wow looks great! Sorry to hear about your leg what a trooper you are!
Michelle James
Friday 14th of November 2014
Thanks Trish. It was a painful beak. I still have the plate and all the dang screws and pins but at least it is healed. Lol!
Jean Kramer
Tuesday 11th of November 2014
Great photos and stories--looking forward to more.
Michelle James
Tuesday 11th of November 2014
Thanks Jean!
Manita Murphy
Tuesday 11th of November 2014
That looks like a lot of work! but I like it! Brilliant!
Michelle James
Tuesday 11th of November 2014
Thanks Manita! I really love it and want it to be finished so bad!