This post was written by my friend Peggy. Together we are Micheggy and we like to plan scrapbooking events for people to attend and work on their books or any other projects they want for the day. This is the post for our latest scrapbooking event in honor of National Scrapbooking Day 2015!
National Scrapbooking Day 2015 Crop
We like these crop things…a lot. Apparently. We keep doing them, anyway.
THIS time around, we are lucky enough to have space in the cropping room at The OUTLET Store in Estherville, Iowa! Details can be found in our super-cute themed flyer, but if you want to just read the low-down, here’s what you need to know:
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
OUTLET Store cropping room
$50 per person includes:
- 14 Hours of uninterrupted cropping time (OK, minor interruptions like prizes and stuff.)
- Lunch and dinner
- $20 value attendance prize (It’s good!)
- Games, prizes, and FUN!
Rumor has it that there will be more than this included, but I guess you’ll just have to sign up and attend to see!